The texture is a new one from the set I am currently obsessively tweaking. It's called destitute. I tried to name it something prettier but then it slapped me, so the name stays.
Sam & J.J. -- hip, adorable, gorgeous and in love. Hanging out with them for an hour and a half made me almost forget I was wearing mom jeans and a scrunchie. I want to adopt them.
To give you a bit of an introduction, Erica is a beautiful and intelligent girl with interests that range from fashion to more serious pursuits like an upcoming aid trip to Africa.
Here's a sneak peek for Erica and her dad, a man brave enough to try to follow my directions on this urban shoot. (For those wondering, I have issues knowing my right vs. left in clutch situations). My navigating aside, it was truly one of those magical sessions where I cannot pick which images are my favorites. I'm still working on them in fact and may sneak a few more in over the next day or two.